The Tri‐County Council for the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland is a semi‐independent state agency formed by an Act of the Maryland General Assembly in 2001. The purpose of the Council is to facilitate regional planning and economic development in Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester counties on the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland. The Council membership is made up of municipal, county, and state elected officials as well as the county administrators from the three counties.
The Council is a designated Economic Development District (EDD) through the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce. As the region’s EDD, the Council is responsible for developing a CEDS designed to identify regional priorities for economic development. In addition to acting as a planning tool for a region, the CEDS allows an EDD to engage with the EDA and other federal partners to receive infrastructure and technical assistance grants.
The CEDS allows an EDD to engage with the EDA and other federal partners to receive infrastructure and technical assistance grants.
To receive designation as an EDD a multi-jurisdictional entity (such as the combined three counties of the Lower Shore) must have an EDA‐approved CEDS and meet certain regional distress criteria identified in federal regulations. As a practical matter, the CEDS is required to undergo a complete reevaluation every five years with updates on an annual basis.

A well‐developed CEDS has a purpose not served by single‐jurisdiction planning documents. By its very nature, the CEDS process leverages the resources and input of all entities within a multi‐jurisdictional unit, in this case Somerset, Wicomico and Worcester counties and their municipalities. The final document is truly regional in both its outlook and its analysis of hard data. The end result is a document that actually augments the planning process of individual jurisdictions by providing a comprehensive look at the total resources of a region.
More important, the CEDS is the result of a locally based, “regionally owned” planning process. Despite the requirement of EDA that there be a CEDS, the document and the process are not created or dictated by EDA. The regional priorities outlined in the CEDS are the result of deliberation by the CEDS stakeholder committee comprised of representatives of organizations located in the region and wich have specific knowledge and experience rooted in the region and its communities.
The goal of the CEDS is to articulate input from all the citizens of the region. To this end the CEDS process leverages the involvement of the public, private, and non‐profit sectors while providing a mechanism for stakeholders to engage in vigorous and meaningful conversation and debate about the economic direction of the region.
In summation, the CEDS document is:
- Comprehensive in its approach as it employs the input and experience of persons and organizations with a wide range of expertise and backgrounds within the entire multi‐jurisdictional entity;
- Economic-focused in that it surveys a broad range of specific economic sectors while considering trends and employing hard data in its analysis;
- Development-oriented as it considers the range of variables effecting economic activity and its impact and benefits to citizens, and
- Strategy-based in its underlying attention to economic resiliency and diversification while exploring the retention and further development of traditional and existing industries, all within a framework of regional planning.
Finally, the ultimate goal of the CEDS and its process is to create a pathway to opportunities for all residents of the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland, specifically:
- Excellent education and workforce development;
- Fulfilling and financially rewarding employment;
- Adequate and affordable housing;
- A sustainable environment;
- A high quality of life;
- A range of healthcare options.

Tri-County Council CEDS Committee
CEDS Committee Timeline
2024-2025 Report
Tri‐County Council will facilitate the first of two CEDS meeting to review the CEDS Goals/ County‐specific projects/Progress indicators.
Tri‐County Council will interpret and update statistical hard data and revise Goals/County‐specific Projects/Progress indicators based on input from CEDS Committee and County Directors of Economic Development.
Tri‐County Council will facilitate the second of two CEDS Committee meetings for evaluation, review and final vote on revisions proposed at first CEDS Committee meeting.
Tri‐County Council will execute final revisions and graphic layout and website based on input from the second of two CEDS Committee meetings.
Executive Director will present the final revised CEDS projects to the Tri‐County Council full board at quarterly meeting and request ratification.
Tri‐County Council will submit final revised CEDS to EDA via Grants Online Government Portal, update, and update the Tri‐County Council Administrative website with new document.
Partnerships make it possible
Federal, State, and Local stakeholders work collectively to shape the economic prosperity of Maryland's Lower Eastern Shore.
- CEDS Funding AssistanceU.S. Department of CommerceEconomic Development AdministrationState of MarylandDepartment of Commerce
- Funding for the Delmarva Index and the Regional Economic Development websiteRural Maryland CouncilRural Maryland Prosperity Fund
- Institutional Knowledge, Data, and ResourcesPrivate Sector CompaniesUtilities, Transportation, Agriculture and Manufacturing SectorsLower Shore Workforce Alliancea division of the Tri-County CouncilShore Transita division of the Tri-County CouncilRoland E. Powell Convention CenterAtlantic General Healthcare SystemTidalHealthMaryland Department of Natural ResourcesMaryland Department of CommerceSalisbury-Wicomico Regional AirportWallops Flight Facility(NASA)Somerset County Sanitary DistrictCity of Salisbury
- Economic Development & TourismSalisbury-Wicomico Economic DevelopmentWicomico County Recreation, Parks & TourismSomerset County Economic DevelopmentSomerset County Recreation, Parks & TourismWorcester County Tourism & Economic Development
- Chambers of CommercePocomoke Area Chamber of CommerceSnow Hill Area Chamber of CommerceBerlin Chamber of CommerceGreater Ocean City Chamber of CommerceCrisfield Chamber of CommercePrincess Anne Chamber of CommerceSalisbury Area Chamber of CommerceGreater Salisbury Committee
- Educational InstitutionsWor-Wic Community CollegeUniversity of Maryland Eastern ShoreSalisbury UniversitySomerset County Technical High SchoolWorcester Technical High SchoolParkside Career and Technical High School